Ground water pumping station supplies water to several villages in Niger


In Niger, one Consortium project is successfully implementing Mini Water Supply Systems "Multi-village". One system consists of a single pumping station, a central water tower and a network of pipelines to water points in 4-11 villages. The system is managed by a private operator and supplies water to communal water points, public institutions (schools / health centres) and market places, as well as water for livestock.

The quality of the groundwater in Niger is very good, however its extraction is expensive, since the water table is often very deep. A Mini Water Supply System "Multi-village" is a cost-efficient solution to address this challenge, as several villages get water from one ground water pumping station and thus, share its costs for construction as well as operation and maintenance.

For more information see: Article on context, success factors and challenges of Mini Water Supply Systems "Multi-villages" in Niger (in French)