Phase III (2020 - 2023)
During phase III (2020 - 2023), the Consortium projects provide access to water, sanitation and hygiene to approximately 250,000 people in communities, 175 schools (ca. 66,000 pupils and teachers) as well as 56 health care centres (ca. 310,000 patients and staff).
Phase ll (2014 - 2017)
During phase ll (2014 - 2017), the Consortium projects provided access to water, sanitation and hygiene to approximately 300,000 people in communities, 60,000 school pupils, 250,000 health centre patients and 16,000 small-scale farmers.
Between 2014-2017, we provided access to drinking water for over 400'000 people in communities, 68'000 school pupils and 300'000 health centre patients.
Access to drinking water is defined by national standards in first priority and by international standards such as the WHO standards in case there is no national standard. According to the WHO standards access to drinking water means that the source is less than 1 kilometres away from its place of use, that it is possible to reliably obtain at least 20 litres per member of a household per day and that it meets the water quality standards.
According to the OECD definition basic drinking water refers to rural water supply schemes using hand pumps, spring catchments, gravity-fed systems, rainwater collection and fog harvesting, storage tanks, small distribution systems typically with shared connections/points of use and urban schemes using hand pumps and local neighbourhood networks including those with shared connections.
Access to water with improved quality means that existing water systems (with water sources that do NOT comply with the WHO standards) are rehabilitated and complemented by water quality measures (i.e. WATA or similar) in order to improve water quality and, in fact, reach drinking water quality. However, officially, these technologies do NOT qualify with WHO standards due to the definition of those standards.
Between 2014-2017, we provided access to adequate sanitation for over 260'000 people in communities, 60'000 school pupils and 240'000 health centre patients. All targets have been exceeded.
Adequate sanitation at home is defined by national standards in first priority and by the proposed post-2015 target in case there is no national standard. According to the post-2015 target adequate sanitation at home (hand washing facility with pit latrine with a superstructure and a platform or squatting slab constructed of durable material, toilet connected to a septic tank or toilet connected to a sewer (small bore or conventional)) with a is shared among no more than 5 families or 30 persons.
Adequate sanitation facilities in schools and health centres are those that effectively separate excreta from human contact, and ensure that excreta do not re-enter the immediate environment. An adequate school or health centre sanitation facility: i) is located in close proximity to the school or health centre, ii) is accessible to all users, including adults and children, the elderly, and those with physical disabilities; iii) provides separate facilities for males and females (boys and girls at school), and for adults and children is equipped with hand washing stations that include soap and water and are inside or immediately outside the sanitation facility; iv) provides adequate menstrual management facilities in sanitation facilities that are used by women and by girls of menstruating age; v) at schools, provides at least one toilet per 25 girls and at least one toilet for female school staff, as well as a minimum of one toilet plus one urinal (or 50 centimetres of urinal wall) per 50 boys, and at least one toilet for male school staff; vi) At in-patient health centres, includes at least one toilet per 20 users; vii) At out-patient centres, includes at least four toilets-one each for staff, female patients, male patients, and child patients.
Between 2014-2017, we provided access to hand washing facilities for 190'000 people in communities, 87'000 school pupils and 192'000 health centre patients.
A hand washing facility is a device to contain, transport or regulate the flow of water to facilitate hand washing. It may be fixed or movable. Availability of soap and/or ashes should be ensured.
Between 2014-2017, we reached nearly 900'000 people by hygiene promotion interventions.
As beneficiaries by hygiene promotion interventions are counted those who have been reached by long-term interventions with repeated messages through community mobilisation processes and training at communal level, through hygiene education activities at schools or through repeated mass campaigns for the public.
Between 2014-2017, we provided water facilities for irrigation or livestock watering for 16'000 irrigation farmers or livestock holders, largely exceeding the target of 10'000.
As beneficiaries are counted those farmers or livestock holders (calculated in number of households resp. number of farms) who benefit from the irrigation or livestock watering facility.
Phase l (2011 - 2013)
During the phase l (2011 - 2013), the Consortium projects provided access to water, sanitation and hygiene to approximately 563,000 people in communities, 107,000 school pupils, 1,140,000 health centre patients and 21,000 small-scale farmers. The following graph summarises the outputs aimed and achieved:
WS = Water supply, San = Sanitation
Q = Quarter, S = Semester