Global Advocacy Fund

The Swiss Water & Sanitation Consortium puts a strong emphasis on advocacy and policy development. We have an allocated Global Advocacy Fund of CHF 150,000, for the period 2014-2017, so that we can be flexible to respond to opportunities for influencing policies at country and international levels.

The Consortium members can submit a proposal, which will be assessed by the steering board according to the following criteria:

  • proposals prepared by at least 2 organisations;
  • project-level advocacy budget (of the proposing project teams) has already been allocated;
  • contribution to the following objectives: adoption of good practices in view of scaling up, strengthen civil society voice (e.g. support participation of civil society network representatives to SWA event in Washington), increased visibility of the Consortium good practices.

The Consortium coordinator will closely monitor the implementation of the approved advocacy activity and provide methodological support in close collaboration with the regional advisors. The fund recipients are expected to provide a report covering the main activities, outcomes in terms of policy influencing and lessons learnt.